Window manager with infinite desktop, infinite zoom and infinite window resolution
This is a minimalistic compositing window manager for X with infinite desktop, infinite zoom and infinite virtual window pixel resolution.
Tested on: Ubuntu-MATE 18.04 LTS Bionic Beaver.
Requires OpenGL version 3.0 or higher with support for GLSL 3.30, and pretty much all modern X extensions, including their development headers. To install all dependencies:
sudo apt install -y $(cat ./dependencies.txt)
To install InfiniteGlass on your machine
sudo make install
or, if you want to be able to edit the python files in in place without rerunning the install command:
sudo make devinstall
Note that this does not differ from a the above make install with regards to how the non-python binaries are installed.
Once installed, you should be able to select InfiniteGlass among the available sessions when logging in.
It is also possible to try the window manager inside a window using the Xephyr X server, without installing anything. To do so, simply run
If your Linux distribution does not have the right libraries or versions of libraries (e.g. X extensions, OpenGL version…) easily installable, you can test the same using a docker container! Just run
make run-in-docker
Whichever method for running it you use, the first time you run the window manager, a set of default config files will be added to your ~/.config/glass directory. These files can be safely edited, but will be re-instated if deleted.
make all
pip install nose2
nose2 -s tests -v
GNU GPL v3, see the file LICENSE for details
The file xevent.c has a different, more permissible license, see the top of the file for details. The file coastline50.geojson has a different, more permissible license, see coastline50.geojson.LICENSE for details. The file has a different, more permissible license, see for details.