

Window manager with infinite desktop, infinite zoom and infinite window resolution

View the Project on GitHub redhog/InfiniteGlass

Implemented by: glass-action

InfiniteGlass internally uses window properties to communicate between its various components. This makes it very easy to script from most programming languages, in particular Python, for which there is a library of functions, glass-lib to help you.

However, to control InfiniteGlass from the command line, you need a command line tool that’s preferably a bit more high-level than window properties.


is that tool.

glass-action provides subcommands to animate and inspect window properties, to send messages to windows, to list, start and stop components, to list import and export ghosts and session clients and to inspect the current key bindings and get help on possible keyboard actions.

Some of the command, like the window interactions require the window manager to be running, while others, like manipulating ghosts, work directly with the stored database and can be run at any time.

The export and import commands all use JSON as interchange format, and the semantics of the exported JSON is compatible to the relevant sections of the config files (e.g. ghosts.json).