

Window manager with infinite desktop, infinite zoom and infinite window resolution

View the Project on GitHub redhog/InfiniteGlass


The InfiniteGlass components have extensive logging / debug print facilities. These are turned on and of using a fine grained environment variable system. These variables can be set in your shell when running ‘make run’, or in ~/.config/glass/

All such environment variable names begin with ‘GLASS_DEBUG’. For a complete list of options, see DEBUGGING_OPTIONS.txt.

Each logging statement has a path, which is printed before the message. Example:

GLASS_DEBUG.renderer.item_window_svg.c.item_type_window_svg_update_drawing.window.svg: RENDER -85,-84[512,512] = [85,85]

The path can be used to turn on or off the printing of the message in question. The path is turned into the name of an environment variable by replacing any dot (.) with an underscore (_). The value of the variable must be either 1 (do print), or 0 (do not print). Example:


Groups of messages can be turned on or off all at the same time using a path prefix, e.g.


If multiple such prefixes match a particular message (some of them possibly set to 0, others to 1), the longest one is used. For example, if both


are defined, the above logging line would not be printed, as the longer matching variable is det to 0.

Client messages

The renderer accepts a set of ClientMessage:s that causes it to print lists of objects in its memory to its standard out - items (windows), views and shaders. These messages have to be sent to the root window with a SubstructureNotifyMask. This can be achived easily using the glass-action command line tool:

glass-action window send --mask SubstructureNotifyMask --window root IG_DEBUG_LIST_ITEMS 
glass-action window send --mask SubstructureNotifyMask --window root IG_DEBUG_LIST_SHADERS
glass-action window send --mask SubstructureNotifyMask --window root IG_DEBUG_LIST_VIEWS